Featured Speakers

Experience six days of transformative power and divine connection with world-renowned speakers and gospel recording artists at #HC24

Apostle Dr. Dana Carson

Dr. Dana Carson is the founder and senior pastor of the Reflections of Christ’s Kingdom World Outreach International (The R.O.C.K.) in Houston, TX. – a Bible-centered, Spirit-filled, community-building, Kingdom-minded ministry founded in 2003. Dr. Carson has over 38 years of full-time and pastoral ministry experience. 

He is one of the nation’s foremost Kingdom theologians and down-to-earth pastors whose radical message and raw delivery are known all over the world. Dr. Carson’s call and purpose is to educate people of every age with the message of the Kingdom of God that is both exegetically sound and spiritually nourishing. 

Dr. Carson has an exceptional concern for youth and children and personally invests his life in their training and development. Dr. Carson’s anointing represents a combination of Spirit-filled fire and formal academic training, with a touch of the lessons learned in the ghettos of Chicago. With this rare anointing, he touches the hearts of people from all cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds worldwide.

Prophet Isaac Frimpong

Prophet Isaac Frimpong’s journey throughlife has been nothing short of extraordinary,marked by a divine calling that manifesteditself at a remarkably young age. Born in thevibrant city of Kumasi, Prophet Frimpong’sspiritual odyssey began when he experienceda profound spiritual rebirth at the tender ageof 13.

In 2016, Prophet Isaac Frimpong took amonumental step by founding the Citadel ofHope Ministries in Accra, Ghana. This minis-try serves as a beacon of spiritual guidance,providing hope and healing to those in need.Under his visionary leadership, the Citadel ofHope Ministries has become a force for posi-tive change in the lives of countless individu-als.

Prophet Frimpong’s commitment to theo-logical education is evident in his pursuit ofknowledge at Elyon Bible College, where heearned a diploma in theology. His academicjourney, starting in July 2007 and concludingin August 2008, equipped him with the toolsto further enrich his ministry and deepen hisunderstanding of the divine.

Bishop Sherman Allen

Sherman Clifton Gee Allen, born March 23, 1961, to Reverend Sherman Clifton Gee and Clarice Warren Gee in Fort Worth, Texas. Called to the gospel ministry at the age of three, he was ordained at the age of twelve. He matriculated at Davidson College and Texas Christian University. In 1983, he chose to follow the call of God upon his life to Pastor and founded the Shiloh Church in Fort Worth, Texas. He currently serves as the Senior Pastor of Christ Cathedral in Ft. Worth, Texas. Apostle Allen has conducted revivals, crusades, and conferences in 28 states and 5 foreign countries, and has been the host of “Prophetic Summit”, the premier prophetic event in the DFW area for more than 17 years. He is the author of the books, “Understanding the Flow of the Anointing” and “For Better or For Worse”. Gifted as a distinguished establishmentarian and cleric, Pastor Allen has been actively involved in progressive ministries throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex for more than 20 years, espousing the belief that ministry cannot be limited to the church, nor preaching to the pulpit. Anointed with a heavy apostolic and prophetic mantle, Apostle Allen is a widely sought after conference speaker, author, and lecturer. His unique blend of revelatory exegesis and evangelistic preaching style is seasoned with a highly accurate prophetic flow and a distinctly anointed apostolic mandate for healing, apostolic order, and economic empowerment.

Bishop Liston Page

Bishop Liston Page II, uses his candid, straightforward delivery of the Word of God to inspire others to strive for God’s best in their lives. His passion is breaking down the Bible into practical applications that show people how the Word can transform them.

For over 35 years, he has preached across the United States and internationally at churches and conferences in Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia, and the Caribbean. For the past 19 years, he has served as Senior Pastor of The Highway Church in Paterson, New Jersey.

As a devout community leader, Bishop Page’s partnerships within the Paterson, New Jersey area have led to a decline in crime and the spread of the Gospel throughout surrounding neighborhoods.

Bishop Page earned both his Doctor of Ministry and Master of Sacred Theology degrees at Drew University. He also holds Master of Divinity, Master of Theological Studies, and Bachelor of Theology degrees.

Prophetess Janet Floyd

Janet Floyd, is a multifaceted 21st century woman that God is using to empower and equip this generation. She is Pastor of the New Beginnings Worship Center in Monroe, LA, a nationally-known preacher/teacher/speaker, and a practicing defense attorney.

Her anointed and powerful “cutting-edge” message of healing and hope, is heard around the world through her broadcast, “Sound of Deliverance” aired on the Maxlife Christian Women’s Network. Dr. Janet Floyd is a frequent guest on Christian television and ministers to millions of people via TBN, and Word Network Christian Broadcasts.

Drawing from her background in education and law, and her vast knowledge of the scripture and the issues that impact the 21st century Christian, Dr. Floyd provides a sharp cutting-edge, message with prophetic and revelatory teaching using biblically based principles. Using a refreshing combination of compassion, candor, and common sense, she imparts truths that will totally revolutionize the lives of everyone that hears her and equips them to be the “champions” they were created to be!

Bishop Darrell Hines

Bishop Darrell L. Hines is a man of vision, purpose and prayer. His primary mission is to fulfill the call of God on his life, which is to proclaim the uncompromising Word of God. He is equally a faithful husband to Pamela, loving father to his two adult sons, Darrell II and Brandon, and proud grandfather of four.

In 1981 Darrell died after being struck by lightening while working for Republic Airlines in Milwaukee, WI. When he was revived 45 minutes later physicians concluded he would live life in a vegetated state. But God had another plan. After overcoming amnesia, Bishop Hines made a commitment to God, to “…Take care of God’s business, while God takes care of his…” Since then he has been telling a dying world about a living Christ while winning scores of souls.

Bishop Hines pastors Christian Faith Fellowship Church of God in Christ (CFFC), one of the largest African American churches within the state of Wisconsin, with his wife Pamela. CFFC was founded with a four-point plan called CORE: Community, Outreach, Resource and Education; and a purpose to proclaim the Word of God, uplift the family and provide ministry to the total man